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My Tours: Pac West Tour 2005 - Journal Day 0 | ||
Friday 09/02/05 I arrived home around 2:00 pm and finished packing the last of my belongings to take with me to Fort Bragg. It was just little stuff like the bike, the Bob Bag, wheels, and a few other odds and ends. Most of the other stuff had been taken to Fort Bragg weeks earlier. My good friend Patty would be picking me up shortly, we would load my stuff in her car and then head for the Coast. At 2:45 pm Patty arrived on time. We loaded up and headed out getting on the road by 3:00 pm. I was tired and was glad not to be driving this time around. It seems like whenever I'm going on a trip or whatever I'm driving, and usually glad to do so, but not this time. I cat napped along the way and finally woke up as we made our way from the I-5 Freeway and started to wind through the Clearlake area on highway 20. It was somewhere around this point that I started thinking about pictures and all the pictures I would be taking and what kind of shots I wanted and oh my heck, I left the freakin' camera at home! How could I leave the camera, I always have the camera, I couldn't believe it, the start of this journey and I've already forgotten a big part of it. Well I guess I'll be getting a disposable to try and records some of it. I'll have to call Angie and have her get the Camera to Connie. I will be meeting Connie in Sausalito on the 3rd Day. At least take pictures from that point to home with Digital. It's now going on 6:00 pm and we're making our way through Willits. It's rush hour traffic for this little town and we're in no hurry. Soon we make it through town and we're now on the last leg of Highway 20 as it winds it's way through the mountains leading to Fort Bragg. An hour later and we finally hit the Coast. A short journey south and up into the hills and we arrive at Megan's Place. Lynn and Megan are out front and have been there since the previous day. Dinner is ready and simmering away. Stew with Baked potatoes are on the menu for tonight and I'm hungry. After a good dinner and help with the cleanup. I start to collect all of my bike gear that has been brought up during the previous weeks. Everything is there and in working order. I assemble the trailer and pump up the tire. After a bit I retire to the bedroom and read through the maps, profiles, and route descriptions for the first and second days. I've read these so many times, but it just doesn't hurt to read them a few more. It's late and time for bed. Saturday 09/03/05 Beep......Beep......Beep. I roll over to look at my watch, I didn't set my alarm why is there is a beeping noise at 7:00 am and who is doing all that quiet yelling? After laying there for a minute or two I realize it's the smoke detector and the battery is in the process of dying. The beeping is to let you know it needs a new battery. The quiet yelling is Lynn and Patty discussing the changing of the battery. They're worried about waking me up and trying not to yell at each other. Instead of letting them go on about it I get up and walk out to let them know I am actually awake. I get up on the step latter and unplug the detector from the ceiling, "You can do that" Patty asks. Yup, that's what the detachable cable is for. I put in the new battery and hook it back up. I lay there on the couch looking out the window, it's a beautiful morning here in Fort Bragg. After Breakfast I lounged around a bit and then began the first task of the day installing a ceiling fan in the front room. I had just installed a ceiling fan at home so I had some practice and knew what I was up against. It was actually a small fan compared to the one back home so it didn't take me to long. I think I spent more time on the instructions than the installation. With task one accomplished it was time to play lumberjack. Patty had a number of dead trees in her backyard that needed to be cut down so her forrest could have room to grow new trees. I spent a couple of hours cutting down and cutting up and then it was time for lunch. We enjoyed hot dogs and a great potato salad. After a few root beers (I think I drank 2 liters) it was time to man the saw again. I think it was 6 pm before I finally turned the buzz saw off. I had to shake out my shoes, socks, shirt, and everything because I had saw dust all over me. After a long hot shower I was ready for dinner. Tonight it was Salmon and Shrimp. We had gone down to the harbor earlier in the day to buy fresh seafood. Lynn is very specific about having her fish fresh, none of that farm raised fish. It doesn't bother me either way, it's still Salmon. We also had asparagus and salad. I bought sorbet for desert, oh it was just too good for words. After cleaning up dinner we sat and talked, I described what I would be doing, we talked about biking, cats, life, family, and then decided to play hearts. I had never played and was just started to get good when it was almost midnight. Time for bed. Sunday 09/04/05 It wasn't early when I woke up, it was mid morning probably. I had promised to make Breakfast Burritos for Lynn and Patty and despite the big dinner the night before I was hungry. I cooked up some bacon and then some scrambled eggs. I assembled the fixings in some burritos with cheese and let them warm up in the oven. They were just as good as when we have them camping. The rest of the day was spent writing in my journal. I had let it go all summer long and had many things that I wanted to record before I went on my trip. Lynn and Patty decided to go site seeing for the day and returned later in the afternoon. I know I got in at least one more nap. Dinner was chicken that night and just as good as the other meals we had during the weekend. If anything I think I ate way too much, no problem, I would be burning it all off soon. Around 8 pm I spent the next hour getting everything ready, clothes and other items set out for the morning, things that Patty would need to take back home via car, and then went over the maps one more time. I think I had them memorized by now. It was time for bed. |
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