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My Tours: Pac West Tour 2007 - Journal Day 0 | ||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 08/09/07 - Sacramento to Portland The day started out early at 4:30 am. I took a quick shower and then my lovely wife got up and took me to the airport at 5:00 am. She dropped me off at 5:20, with a kiss goodbye she wished me luck, and then I made my way to the terminal. The outside was filled with people dropping off bags and such so I decided to see if the counter check-in was any better. That's when I found that you can now do a self checking with your bags if you already have a boarding pass. Awesome indeed! You punch in your name and confirmation code, then it prints out your luggage label, a clerk comes by to verify who you are and then it's off to the security line. After getting through security it was time to wait in the boarding gate area. After a 20 minute wait they began boarding the plane, I sat in the very front row at the window. I made no small chat today. I was tired and took a nice cat nap. With no one sitting next to me it made it even easier. Soon enough I could feel the plane starting to descend. As I looked out the window all I saw was a blanket of clouds. I've always been fascinated how the clouds look up above. As we came through the blanket it was so weird. And then there it was Portland, OR. Soon enough I was on the ground heading to Baggage. Within 15 minutes my BOB Bag was waiting for me. I hoisted it up and off the conveyor belt and went looking for the Light Rail. I had made arrangements to stay with a family that I met online thanks to a website for cyclists looking to be hosted by other cyclists. The live in downtown Portland and are right next to the Light Rail. I found the ticket stand bought a ticket and walked right outside to the rail station. A train was waiting there and would be leaving soon. I plopped myself down and waited until it left the station. Ten minutes later we were on our way. It was a great way to see the city but not have to wait in the traffic. It was still morning rush hour in some parts and it was nice to just keep on moving along. After about 25 minutes I was at the designated stop in China Town. I disembarked the train and walked a short 2 blocks to the river front. This is where I first met Nancy. It was fun to meet someone that I had only known through emails from the previous months. My boxes had arrived safe and sound and were waiting patiently for me in the kitchen. It was fun to sit there and talk with Nancy about cycling, Portland, and what my plans were. After an hour or so I pulled the boxes over to the living room to begin the task of getting things put together. I tried not to make too much noise as Nancy went to work on the computer. A piece at a time. I pulled the bike out and all the pieces that made up the bike. I was worried that the rim would be bent, a spoke would be broken, the seat post wouldn't go in right, something. But everything went back together just like it was supposed to. Next it was time to air up the tires, lube up the chain, and last but not least put the trailer together. It was now just noon and everything was all put together. I sat back on the couch looking at it sitting there on the balcony. I was done. Shoot I've got time, let's just leave now. No. Time for lunch. I headed into China Town in search of food. I wandered around looking for something familiar. Nothing was familiar. There were lots of little places that all had interesting names. After wandering around I finally went into a deli shop and got a very strange looking pastrami sandwich. But despite it's looks it was very, very good. Back to Nancy's and it was definitely time for a nap. I awoke about 3 pm to find Nancy getting ready for a bike ride. She needed to go to the Co-op for some vegetables for dinner. A perfect chance to take the bike out for a spin to make sure all was put together correctly. We made a stop at the Farmers Market and then to the Co-op. I found that I had put my handlebars on a little weird. I had twisted them to where the brakes and shifters were too high. Nothing a quick adjustment wouldn't fix. As we rode our bikes around downtown I couldn't help but notice all of cyclists around. Not just one or two, 15, 20, maybe even 25. Portland is definitely the place to be a cyclist. It was great. Back at the house I worked on getting the gear packed away, trying to come up with a system of where to store all the stuff I would be dragging along with me for the next 2 weeks. Nancy and I continued to talk about cycling and trips and I was so envious of her and Matt and the trip they took last year across the country. What a thrill that must have been. The good and the bad. Nancy's niece arrived home and I got to meet her. A girl full of life and prospects all at her door. Matt arrived home later and it was just as fun to get to know him as Nancy. Dinner followed shortly afterwards and it was awesome. A wonderful concoction of pasta and vegetables. Next was a wonderful dessert of fruit pizza. Too much food and not enough room. Soon it was time for bed. I thought I would be out for the night with no problem but I lay there thinking about the day to come. I thought after laying there last night like this I would be out. No, too much to dream about. Finally the body gave way and the night took over, sleep came and it was good. Time to dream on two wheels.
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