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My Tours: Pac West Tour 2007 - Journal Day 2 | |||
Saturday 08/11/07 - Cannon Beach to Cape Look Out After going to bed I don't remember much else. That was probably the best night's sleep I've had in a while. If the rest of the trip is like this sleeping will be the easiest part. And so begins the morning routine. Getting up, getting breakfast cooked, washing up the dishes, letting the stove cool off, meanwhile you pull out the clothes for the day, fill up the water bottles, get a snack or two out for later down the road, changing into the gear, taking the tent down, packing up all the camping gear, loading up the trailer, connecting the trailer, and then heading out of camp. It was about 9 am when I pulled out of camp and onto Highway 101. The morning started out a little cool with a few clouds but it would be a great day on the coast. I started out with the arm warmers but shed those fair quickly down the road. The first obstacle of the day was a large tunnel. Too bad they didn't leave much room to get through. You get used to it. I waited for a break in the traffic, hit the button, and then made my way through. It's amazing how loud one car is when it goes through the tunnel. Staying on the Highway was the only way to head south but it was the best to go. It was amazing how much room there is for a bike. Traffic wasn't really that heavy, of course it was Monday morning. The first 10 miles gave way to nothing but trees, no towns, houses, or any kind of civilization. The only thing that showed signs life was the parks and campsites along the way. Just after Oswald West State Park you get to cross a very long bridge with not much room on the road so you cross on the sidewalk portion. I was still getting used to the feel of the trailer as I went across the bridge. I had to stop a few times because I kept wobbling. Once across the bridge it was back into the trees. The hills started to get steeper and steeper as I went along. As I was climbing a very steep hill the shoulder was getting smaller. I was really hoping for a break in the climb when up ahead I saw a sign for a vista point, oh good, and excuse to stop. When I came up and around the corner I saw this breath taking view, "Wow, now that's view." I think that it's one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip. I took it about 4 or 5 times just to make sure I got it right. Down at the bottom was Manzanita. It was a quick descent down the hill I had just climbed. The day was starting to warm up. Traffic was heavy going through Manzanita and then into Nahalem. Not much choice to stop anywhere, at least that I could see. I was time for lunch and I wasn't finding much along the lines of a place to eat. I decided to push on ahead to see what else was around. At this point you have a decision to make on which route you want to follow. You can head inland and follow Miami River Road SR53 or you can just stay on 101. The Pacific Coast Book has both routes so I decided to stick to 101. Next was the little town of Wheeler, it was big enough that they had a drug store, which is what I needed. After a quick stop it was back on the road in search of lunch. This route along 101 takes you right along the coast. Today there was a bit of a breeze, not much, just enough to cool you off. It was getting warm, but not too warm. Near Nedonna Beach there is a good size marina area where boats pull out for crabbing and other fishing. I decided to see if there was lunch available at the Marina. They fixed me up a great BLT Sandwich with chips and a soda. That hit the spot. While waiting for lunch I sat there watching the folks down below, watching the boats pull in and out, and just enjoying the view. It was about 45 minutes later when I climbed back on the bike. For the next 10 to 20 miles there isn't much along the lines of services. Just you and the road. A few small towns, but you won't be able to get much until you hit Tillamook. As you enter Tillamook the room on the road narrows down quite a bit. There is two lanes of traffic and you're wondering where all these cars magically appeared from. On your left you'll see a big huge building, "Tillamook Cheese" in big yellow lettering. If you're into the museum touristy think I hear it's a fun place to stop, but if you're me you keep on riding. Up ahead the route has you go through some back streets. I was worried that I would miss all of the shops and stores. You won't. In fact as you come out of the back streets onto the main drag, which is 3rd Street, a big Safeway will be on your left hand side. I stopped there for groceries for the next couple of days. As you come out of Tillamook you have a decision to make, do I follow 131 and get to camp sooner or do I take the Three Capes Scenic Route? Well I choose the 131 Netarts Highway Alternate route, it's on the ACA Map and the Pacific Coast Book. If you're in a hurry take the short way. If you don't care take the long way. Both route have rough roads. Anyways as I came out of town you head into the farmlands, I remember passing by a radio station tower. There isn't much to the shoulder, but there isn't much traffic either. About 3 miles out you have a left that you're supposed to make. The only problem is I was going to fast to pay attention and kept to the right on Whiskey Creek Rd. I hit a good size pot hole and had to stop to make sure nothing got jarred loose. That's when I read the map again, I found that if I just kept going straight I'd get to the next road I needed. After another 5 or 6 miles you'll find yourself at the door of the Cape Lookout State Park. The hiker biker site here was very large, you could have at 20 or 30 people here and you wouldn't even feel crowded. Except that is for the bathroom. They have portable toilets here. The walk to the main restroom is a bit, not bad, just not close. There was plenty of water faucets to choose from. There were tables and fire pits set up around as well. The only bad thing about this campground was the mosquitoes, bring the repellant just for them. I still had bites from them a week later. I was one of the first in camp that afternoon, arriving around 4 pm. It didn't take long to get things unpacked, setup, and dinner going. I was hungry from another good day of riding. After dinner it was time to hit the showers. I was very impressed with the first of my Oregon State Campgrounds. The showers were nice, clean, and most important free. Back at camp I cleaned things up and put things away, then it was time to walk along the beach. I didn't go too far out just sat and read for a while. Better on the sand with no mosquitoes than back at camp. I took a few pictures as the sun was starting to set but couldn't get a nice one with the clouds rolling in. I didn't even think of rain, why would it rain, it's August. After a talking with some of the other cyclists in camp I decided to turn in for the night. I would explore more tomorrow. Again,
sleep came quickly tonight.
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