Monday 08/13/07 - Cape Lookout SP to Beverly
Beach SP
No rain last night, which meant I slept through
the night. I was up and moving around about 7:30 am. Breakfast was first and then it was the morning routine I
was getting to know so well, clean up, pack up, gear up, water up, hook up, and get out of camp.
It was about 9 am when I left camp. The roads were still on the damp side and the air was heavy with moisture. The trees were green and hanging over the roads. Coming out of camp you take a right hand turn and head straight up a hill, okay so it wasn't straight up but it sure felt like it. For the next 3 or 4 miles it was nothing but climbing. On my way to the top I passed the mother daughter team. They had left about 30 minutes before I did, burley trailer, dog and all. As they were climbing they had these little speakers mounted on the handle bars and they were just enjoying the tunes.
Up around the corner it was time to fly down the hill, and fly I did. Down at the bottom was Sandlake, population 25. I remember what looked like a gas station, but I don't think they sell gas anymore. Just not much
of anything there. I remember the mother daughter team talking about stopping for breakfast in the first town, I don't think they were going to find much here.
Not much to say about the next 11 miles, that is about how long it takes to get back out to 101. On the ACA Maps they have a side road to take instead of going on 101 to Lincoln. I decided to stay on 101 because I wanted to go to Lincoln. While the hill was probably a bigger climb than going around it was fine. The shoulder did narrow towards the top but I still had plenty of room to navigate and cars were courteous.
Once I hit the town of Lincoln I decided to take care of the three things on my list; grocery shopping, lunch, and get the
stinking laundry done. First thing was to get some lunch and today it would be McDonalds. It was very funny to me because I hadn't seen a McDonalds since I left Portland. Most of the places I had seen were Subway. So it was
nice to get something different.
After lunch I went across the street to the laundry mat. I was able to get the load started and then
I went across the street again this time to the supermarket, I think it was a Safeway not sure about that. After getting groceries is was back to the laundry mat to dry the clothes. The nice thing about cycling gear is that it
doesn't' take long to dry, only about 15 minutes. So I sat there reading the book, at this rate I'll be done with the book soon and have to buy another.
Now that I was filled, groceries were bought, and clothes were fresh is was time to get back on the road. The weather for the day was very nice. Not too warm, just a slight breeze, and
gorgeous views to enjoy along the way. I had already ridden 40 miles so Beverly Beach wouldn't be too much further.
Once through Depoe Bay you hit the last hill of the day, Devil's Punch Bowl. As I came up and around there was an exit with a Bike Trail sign. It's called the Otter Crest Loop and it is mainly for cyclists. A very nicely paved bike path to take you through the area. It was at least a mile or two going along this way. But that doesn't mean the climb is any less. There is still a big climb with a great view of the coast.
Once through here you get back on 101 and take it down to the stop of the day, Beverly Beach State Park. The Park entrance is on the left hand side. Careful as you cross here. After paying I get the map and make my way to the hiker biker site. It's on the back side of the campground and not very close to any of the facilities. But when it's only $5 a night you can't beat it. There was already one cyclist in camp and another would show up soon.
The one that was already there was heading north to get out of town. If that didn't work out he was going to head to Utah and get a girlfriend. That would solve all his problems. Don't ask me, I didn't want to know either. He was on a Mountain Bike, the
kind you would buy for your kid at a discount store, not a bike store.
The other cyclist that showed up later was there long enough to get camp set up, shower and then headed out on the bike.
Not sure where he went.
Meanwhile I setup camp, took a nice hot shower, and made notes from the day. Dinner tonight was clam chowder, fresh baked rolls from the store, a can of pineapple, and a pudding cup. Doesn't sound like much but it sure hit the spot. I called home to check in and let Ang know how things were going.
After a bit I went down to the beach, the trail takes you under the freeway. I walked around a bit looking for shells, none to find. And then stayed to watch the sun set. Lots of people were out there doing the same.
As soon as the sun hit the horizon it was time to get back to camp. I got things setup for the morning and then read for a little bit. It was 9 pm and
time to get to sleep. It's getting easier each night.
Daily Stats |
Rider: Devin Holmes
Time Left: 8:30 am
Time Arrived: 4:30 pm
Max mph: 37.9
Avg mph: 12.4
Distance: 58.07
Actual Time Riding: 4:40:09 |
Camp Fee: $4
Lunch: $6
Misc: $0
Shower: $0
Laundry: $2.50
Total Cost for today: $39.50 |