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  My Tours: Pac West Tour 2007 - Journal Day 9

Saturday 08/18/07 - Harris Beach to Elk Prairie Creek Campground

Journal entry for Day 9 to go here...

Pictures for the Day

Coming out of Brookings you get to see the...  ...prehistoric park. Crossing the Winchuck River    
Me at the California Boarder, too bad it's not in focus! Even the picture I took was blurry! Looking back to the Oregon sign. It's good to be back in California. New state and a new sign for the Pacific Coast Trail.
  Welcome to Pelican Bay State Prison The only stop light for miles! Crescent City, 3 miles ahead. Plenty of murals as you go through town.
    On the outside of Crescent City Looking towards the hills. It's time to start climbing. Taking a break looking back down the hill.
Looking back towards Crescent City. Are we to the top yet? Still climbing. Notice not much of a shoulder. Looking off to the right, don't get lost out there.
  Finally at the top, it's time to get in the high speed of the day.      
        Turning off from Highway 101 to Elk Prairie Creek Campground.
The road is starting to get steep. Lots of ferns growing along the side of the hills. There is so much green along the way. Looking out away from the road...'ll get lost in these forests.
Once in camp you come into this big clearing. Camp for the night. There are bears in these parts so use the boxes.    


Daily Stats

Rider: Devin Holmes
Time Left: 9:30 am
Time Arrived: 5:00 pm
Max mph: 35.6 
Avg mph: 12.1
Distance:  64.20
Actual Time Riding: 5:16:08
Camp Fee: $3
Total Cost for today: $12.50


Copyright © 2003-2013 Devin Holmes