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  My Tours: Pac West Tour 2008 - Journal Day 8

Friday 07/18/08 - Refugio State Beach to McGrath State Beach

Sometimes even paradise has problems.  We went to bed around 9 last night.  About 10 pm one of the campers decided to hang out in the playground area next to our campsite.  They were a little intoxicated and loud.  There were talking with some boys and everyone could here it.  I put the ear plugs in but they didn't drown out all the noise.  I remember looking at my watch around midnight and wondering when they were just going to pass out.  

Needless to say we were all a little bit tired the next morning.  We still thought the campsite was the best.  No matter what you do you're always going to get some idiot in camp every now and then.  We were a little slow to get things going.  The tents were a little on the wet side again this morning.  We moved them into the sun to get them dry before we packed them up.  Breakfast was next and then we started to pack up everything.  The tent was the last thing.  Chris and Yost were up late as well.  They couldn't believe the lady from the night before.  They were going to stay one more night here and hoped that they friend would be catching up to them soon.

We headed out on the late side, well after 9:00 am. The sun was out and there was just a few clouds above.  No marine layer to protect us this morning like it had the past few week.  As we made our way out to the highway it was a quiet morning.  Traffic was on the light side and we were taking our time as well.  No hurry to get to Santa Barbara.  The next 20 miles were spent on Highway 101.  The space for cyclists was fine.  

Once in Santa Barbara things slowed down.  You have to watch the map a little more as you go through this area.  Once you get through the outskirts of town you end up at the board walk of town.  It's a bit confusing but if you following the trails you'll be fine.  We continued up and around going through what looked like a resorts.  Lots of flowers and beautiful views of the ocean.

Once on the other side of Santa Barbara we were able to take a new bike trail that saves you from going up and through the hills.  We were starting to get hungry and kept a vigil eye out for a lunch stop.  Once again it was a matter of finding what was close to the trail.  Finally after making our way through Carpinteria we found a Fosters Freeze, it never looked so good.  We spent a few more minutes than usual just to enjoy lunch.  They had restrooms and plenty of refills.  After an hour we packed up and headed back out on the road.

We were making good time today and would be in camp in only a few hours.  Back on the road we continue to parallel Highway 101 on a frontage road.  Eventually this put us back on Highway 101, at the entrance we saw the mystical markings for the 3 Amigos once again.  This next section of 101 is nice as we have a spacious bike lane all to ourselves.  Just before we get to Ventura we exit the highway and were back on the Old Pacific Coast Highway or PCH.

Getting through Ventura was easier than getting through Santa Barbara for some reason.  The directions are easier to follow for starters.  We make our way through Ventura and come out the other side with only a few more miles to go to the State Park.  Up ahead we make a right turn and enter the park.  We pay the usual fees and get our tags for the night.  This is one of those state parks that has lots of restrictions for the hiker biker site.  Only 1 night camping allowed, must be out by 9 am, tags must be on bikes, and more.  

We make our way to the campsite only to find it invaded by teenagers.  Apparently a church group is having a retreat.  They have reserved about 8 campsites and are using the campsites next to us for their activities.  When we arrive they are in the midst of playing dodge ball.  I look at Steve with a look of, "are you kidding me?"

I just stand there and watch for a while, not knowing what to do.  I just hope they don't stay up late like the drunk lady from last night.  Finally I start putting up the tent and then sit down for awhile.  After an hour they dodge ball is over and they retreat to the main campsite for dinner.  We don't hear or see them the rest of the night.

The showers and other facilities are nice here.  Dinner is good that night.  Even though there wasn't a lot of climbing that day is was still a long day on the bike.  Just can't get enough of those calories.  Cell coverage was fine here as we check in with home to make sure all is good.  Steve does some maintenance on the bike and checks on the crack developing in the rear derailleur.

We head to bed early.  Tomorrow will be a long day on the bike as we make our way to Redondo.  We'll need that rest day coming soon.

Pictures for the Day

The sun is out in full force today.   So are the waves. Are those flees or just surfers? Plenty of room for surfing... ...and enjoying the beach.
    Heading into the... ...outskirts of... ...Santa Barbara.
We enjoy plenty of room, our own bike lane on this one way street. Then we hit the beach again this... ...time with our very own... path... ...with lots of people.
We enjoy... ..the views.. we make our way.. ...through. Just before we get on the 101 we see...
...the 3 Amigos have been spotted once again. Steve taking a quick break... ...before we follow Highway 101. During this section you have a bike lane... ...and a parking lane.
Ventura is just up ahead to the right. Back on the Old Pacific Coast Highway... ...more views of the palm trees.... ...and plenty of Ocean... ...and sand.
Steve near Emma Woods State Beach. Heading through downtown Ventura. We've been invaded by teenagers. Dinner is served. Finally camp is empty and all to ourselves once again.

Video Clips

Santa Barbara: After being along the Pacific Coast Highway all morning with the cars it was a nice break to come in and have your own bike lane.
Along the Palm Trees: Still in Santa Barbara here we are going right along the beach area, loved the palm trees.
Amtrak Along the PCH: Here is the Amtrak Coastliner that we saw along the Old PCH.  It's always a little weird seeing a train go in reverse.
Riding a bike trail through Santa Barbara: Just after the beaches of Santa Barbara we followed along this gorgeous bike trail area.  I think we were going through a resort area or maybe just someone backyard.  It was hard to tell.
PCH RV Row: Along the Old Pacific Coast Highway there is an area where RVs can go and park for the night, or a month.  I told Steve this is where all the NASCAR fans go when there are no races.


Daily Stats

Rider: Devin Holmes
Time Left: 9:20 am
Time Arrived: 4:15 pm
Max mph: 27.6
Avg mph: 11.8
Distance: 59.04
Actual Time Riding: 4:58:31
Camp Fee: $5
Total Cost for today: $14.50


Copyright © 2003-2013 Devin Holmes