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  My Trips: Cool Breeze Century 2004 - Photo Gallery

Arriving early in the morning. Checking in at the Hotel. Heading out of town with Dad leading the way. Cycling up the hills in Casistas Pass. Rest Stop #1, ranger station.
Going through the hills and orchards. Rest stop #2 Checking out the club jerseys. Looking out over the orchards. Rest Stop #3
Heading for the lunch line. Be sure to take out the trash. Santa Barbara Hills. Love those golf courses. Riding down streets lined with huge palm trees.
Mansions tucked into the hills of Santa Barbara Along the beach board walk in Santa Barbara The beach at Santa Barbara More of the beach with Oil Rigs on the horizon. Back to Rest Stop #2, which is now Rest Stop #4.
Getting onto Highway 101. Looking out to the Ocean above Carpentina. Looking back to Santa Barbara. Rest Stop #5 with popsicles. Highway 101 on the left, the ocean on the right.
The old Pacific Coast Highway. More of the Old PCH. Emma Woods State Beach Father and Son finish again.


Copyright © 2003-2013 Devin Holmes