Getting signed in. |
Where did all these
cyclist come from? |
Need a tune up? Gold
Country Bicycle is there! |
Bryce, Devin, Dan,
& Jerold ready to go. |
Dan heading up Gold
Hill. |
At the top of the
Ridge. |
Just when you
thought you were at the top it keeps going up. |
Rest Stop #1. |
Rest Stop #1 -
Parking Lot area. |
Rest Stop #1 - Along
Highway 193. |
Going up Bald Hill,
15% grade. |
Dan nearing the top
of Bald Hill with a 17% grade. |
Rest Stop #2. |
Heading north along
McCourtney. |
Another view from
McCourtney. |
A beautiful view
from McCourtney. |
A real live cowboy
with his herd! |
Moving the cows
along. |
Get a picture of me
and the cows! |
A quick glance at
Camp Far West Reservoir. |
A view towards the
Bear River. |
Turning from
Karchner. |
Thousand Oaks, mile
39. |
Does anyone live out
here? |
Rest Stop #3. Dan
taking a much needed break. |
Heading South on
McCourtney back towards Lincoln. |
Doing the last loop
as we head east down Highway 193. |
The back side of Sun
City Lincoln, Twelve Bridges entrance. |
Coming around the
front of Sun City Lincoln.1 |
Dan heading up and
around the corner. |
Dan and Devin at the
end, still standing. |