Name of Trip: Tour de
Cure 2012
When: May 5, 2012
Duration: 1 Day
What: Cycling Trip
Cost: $25 registration, minimum $150 in donations. |
Size of Group: Me, Lindsay, and James
Good: I was very well supported by donations once again and
enjoyed the ride from beginning to end.
Bad: There was a plenty of wind starting out.
What would you change: Less wind! |
Saturday 05/05/12
Prologue Note: Lindsay had such a
fun time last year with me in the wind he decided to come once again. Ken
had work conflicts, but James decided to hang with us. The more the
merrier. This would be my 4th year riding and the route was the same, so I figured I'd
seen it all, right? Sort of. No rain again, just more of the same
wind that we had last year, I'm not sure if that is good or not. I got such
positive response from putting all of the names on my leg last year I decided to
do that again.
Ride: It's another great morning and once again I find myself riding
the Tour de Cure. It's amazing what you'll do for a friend. This
time around I've pulled myself up and out of bed, drove myself 3 miles around
the corner to then ride 100 miles. I know sounds silly doesn't it.
Once again I'm meeting up with Lindsay and this time around James is going to
join us. The weather has been forecasted for stiff winds....yeah we know
what that's all about. Soon enough everyone is checked in, numbers in
place on the jersey, wind breakers in place and the announcer is now giving us
the final directions and encouragement. This time around we have a couple
of cyclists that ride professional and have Type 1 to lead us out, very
inspiring indeed. Soon enough it's time to roll out and into the morning
sun we ride. The route is the same once
again, I've now almost memorized it, which is a good thing since I'm still not
quit awake. I'll let the bike lead me down the path this morning.
We've got a few in our group to help us paceline through. The wind is
strong, but not like it was last year.
making our way through Lincoln as the little town starts to wake up as well.
It's not a cold as it was last year and I've only got the Arm Warmers on today.
Soon enough those will be shed. We've already hit Rest Stop #1 and grabbed
a quick something, I didn't want to stay long as we still need to get through
the wind out here. As we head West toward Camp Far West we hit the famous
flag pole that lets us know which way the wind is blowing....pretty sure it's
due South. We're now in the hills heading north to Camp Far West, once we
hit the South end of the lake we head East and find a few more hills to climb.
We're on our way to Rest Stop #2 and it's been rumored that we have a little
surprise waiting for us. We're not sure what, but we've been told that the
food today would be a step above what it has been in past years, not that the
food has been bad, but we're anxious to find what's in store.
We're now on Wise Road and the climbing is picking
up. During my training rides I usually come through here the opposite
direction, because it's downhill that way. It's almost warm enough to pull
the arm warmers off, but not quite. Up is the last of the twists and
turns, then it's the sign showing a fire station ahead, that's where the rest
stop is and hey, what's that smell? BBQ? Out here.....oooh the Rest
Stop has a BBQ snack, sweet!
dismount and head over to find that the Burgess Brothers are onsite with their
famous hamburgers. It was one of the best hamburgers I've ever had, of course
having just ridden 60 miles may have something to do with that as well. We
sat and enjoyed our treat, then we headed for Auburn. Up and around the
corner was Bald Hill, a little climb that will make grown men get off their bike
and walk, but not me. I've ridden this one many times and know the trick,
find the smallest gear possible, and just cruise on up. Once up and over
Bald it's time to make our way over to Auburn, it's really starting to warm up
now.....arm warmers are coming off and stuffed in the back. We make our
way through and over to Clipper Gap, this would be the farthest point we hit and
then we head back. Now it's a few down hills and windy twists and turns.
Before you know it we're already back in Auburn and in traffic. We head up
and over to Palm Ave and then my favorite Millerton Drive! Love flying
down this hill.....I know Lindsay is back there somewhere, he'll catch up soon
Before you know it I'm at the bottom and onto Wise, the Fire Station around the next turn, 80 miles done, only 20 to go.
I'm actually doing good this year compared to last and looking forward to the
last few miles, especially since we'll have that tailwind! As we hit the
Rest Stop it's amazing to me how many cyclists are still coming in and they're
only doing the 60 miles version. It's a quick call to Shirley to let her
know we're on our way.
again, its another down hill as we leave the Fire Station, this time it's down
Chili Hill, I did mention it's a hill right? It's a tight turn at the
bottom, but I still manage to get through doing 35 mph. Before you know it
we're already heading back into Lincoln, no stop in the park this year, instead
it's on the other side of town in front of an elementary school, no worries, it
was very much appreciated. A few orange slices and then it's time to hit
the road and fight the wind for a few more miles. We finally get back over
to Fiddyment and then
head South, oh yeah bring on the tailwind! Soon enough we're doing 28
miles an hour....for a brief moment we hit 30 just to see if we can. We're
flying by those that are on the beginner routes leaving them with their jaws on
the handle bars as we pass them by. I look back at Lindsay, "Yes I know
you want to pull...."
Soon enough we're back to HP in Roseville and coming
down the last mile. Up ahead Shirley is waiting with others as well.
It's a quick photo op and then we head to see what is available for the after
ride meal. Instead of just Chipotle we have 4 different options to choose
from. I don't remember what all of them were except for the Pulled BBQ
Pork sandwich which was just the best. Wow I think I gained more this time
around than I lost due to all of the good food. As we sit there eating
they start handing out raffle ticket awards and other awards for those that have
raised funds. I was given a medal for raising so much, I accept on behalf
of the group!
Note: A final note to thank all of those that sponsored Shirley and I for
the Tour de Cure 2012. We had a total of 26 people donate towards this
cause. With your support and donations we were able to raise $1,415 toward
the American Diabetes Association. I found out later that I was in the top
10 for those individuals collecting money for the Roseville event. Again thank you to all those
that allowed me to ride this and support a great cause. We'll be back
again next year for sure!
Photo Gallery |
It's early at the
Tour de Cure, things are just getting started. |
Soon enough,
everyone is here and ready to get the show started. |
Remeber I'm not a
morning person, despite that I'm up and ready to go. |
Lindsay on the
other hand is always happy in the morning....not sure why. |
We get a good
paceline heading out to Lincoln. |
It's Rest
Stop #1 at the Cemetary... |
....time to get a
few things to fuel up and get back on the road. |
Notice the
flag...it tells the story, it was windy! |
We've made it to
Camp Far West, now... |
....we head East
to the hills or Ophir. |
It's a
lonely road out here.... |
Rest Stop
#2, hey something smells good... |
they BBQing?! |
Devin is
enjoying the BBQ Hamburgers provided |
Lindsay, Devin,
Eric, and James. |
It was a quite
view at the top of Bald Hill. |
.Making our way
back through the hills.... |
...almost to
Auburn. |
I love riding
through... |
....Millerton Road
this time of year. |

Now the fun
begins, we get to race down Chili Hill! |
Lindsay pulling us
back home. |
I can't wait to
taste what's at the end today, I'm starved. |
Once again another
successful finish! |
Once again I
sported everyone's name that sponsored me, the volunteers loved it. |