Name of Trip: Tahoe
Sierra Century 2004
When: September 25, 2004
What: A bike ride from Squaw Valley Ski Resort to Truckee, Prosser
Reservoir, Donner Lake, Cisco Grove, and then back to Squaw Valley.
Three routes: 30 miles, 60 miles, & 100 miles. The 100 mile
route will have 6,800 feet of climbing.
Duration: 1 Day
What: Cycling Trip
Cost: $22 to state at campground, $40 registration for ride
Size of Group: maximum of 1,200 riders
Good: Beautiful weather, despite it being 36 degrees when we woke
up. No overcast, no wind, and lot's of open rode.
Bad: I was unfortunate to see a deceased person going up
Donner Pass.
What would you change: Bring a long sleeve jersey to prevent too
much sweating.
Website: Tahoe
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